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Jan Rašnovský

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I'm Flag of Czech Republic  Czech & Flag of Slovakia  Slovak young adult man. I create Minecraft content (machinimas and pictures/screenshots) and work with FFmpeg extensively. I program from time to time, used to program in C++ and Kotlin, nowadays I program in Golang and also create websites using Tailwind CSS.

Video Creation / Production

I've been dabbling around video creation basically since 2012, got significiantly more active in Minecraft's shaders community and consequently Czechoslovak machinima community around 2018, with me getting involved with "Odyssea III" Minecraft Machinima project as it's resource pack artist & body actor. After that, in 2019, I joined then-recently founded F-U Production Minecraft machinima studio as it's main cameraman, resourcepack artist and other roles.
Later that same year, I've discovered an international Minecraft machinima community revolving around McHorse's suite of mods such as Blockbuster, that let you create amazing machinimas in-game, and joined MachinimaHub in January 2020.
Nowadays I rarely do video projects and focus more on automation scripts / commands for creating videos suitable for sharing across Discord.


I'm native speaker of both Flag of Czech Republic  Czech and Flag of Slovakia  Slovak language, expert/intermediate speaker of Flag of United Kingdom  English. I did study Flag of Germany  German in secondary school and high school, but I still suck at it. I know basics of Flag of Poland  Polish, but I also suck at it. Am passive learner of Flag of Japan  Japanese.


Other Websites

Discord  Communities